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時 間:2020-04-15 13:33:45   杭州中譯翻譯有限公司




1.控制傳染源、切斷傳播途徑 to control the sources of infection and cut off the channels of transmission

2.打破傳播鏈to break the chains of transmission

3.盡最大可能控制疫情波及范圍to make every possible effort to curb the spread of the disease

4.構(gòu)筑群防群治的嚴密防線to build stringent lines of defense across society

5.防控資源和力量下沉to channel both material and human resources down to the community level

6.基層防控能力capacity for prevention and control at the community level

7.醫(yī)防結(jié)合Emphasis is needed on both prevention and treatment.

8.強化公共衛(wèi)生法治保障to strengthen the legal framework of public health

9.統(tǒng)一的應急物資保障體系unified emergency supply system

10.疫情防控重點地區(qū)key regions in epidemic prevention and control

11.非疫情防控重點地區(qū)non-key regions; regions that are not critical in the epidemic prevention and control effort

12.低、中、高風險地區(qū)low-, medium-, high-risk regions

13.提高收治率和治愈率、降低感染率和病亡率 to improve the admission and cure rates and reduce the infection and fatality rates

14.緊緊扭住城鄉(xiāng)社區(qū)防控和患者救治兩個關(guān)鍵to focus on stemming the spread at the community level and having all patients cared for

15.內(nèi)防擴散、外防輸出 to prevent the coronavirus from spreading within the city/region or beyond

16.外防輸入、內(nèi)防反彈to prevent the coronavirus from re-entering the country to cause a new epidemic

17.京津冀地區(qū)聯(lián)防聯(lián)控joint prevention and control efforts in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region

18.對抗疫醫(yī)務人員保護、關(guān)心、愛護to provide full protection and care to medical workers fighting against the epidemic

19.統(tǒng)籌安排輪休to better schedule rotating shifts

20.醫(yī)務人員科學防護和培訓scientific prevention and proper training for medical workers

21.重點防控部位人員的物資保障to make sure that essential supplies can be rapidly directed to personnel in key posts

22.藥品和疫苗研發(fā)drug and vaccine development

23.入境航班將分流至指定機場to redirect inbound flights to designated airports

24.第一入境點 first point of entry

25.境外輸入關(guān)聯(lián)病例cases resulting from virus carriers  traveling from abroad; patients infected by virus carriers traveling from abroad

26.入境人員閉環(huán)管理to ensure a seamless and hermetic process for managing the quarantine and monitoring of travelers arriving in China

27.高度重視公共利益serious concern for the public good

28.保持社交距離to enforce/practice social distancing

29.解決好生活必需品供應的“最后一公里”問題to ensure the “l(fā)ast kilometer” delivery of daily necessities

30.無本地新增病例to report no domestic cases; to report zero local cases; to record no locally transmitted infections

31.疫情防控工作到了關(guān)鍵階段The battle against the epidemic has arrived at a crucial moment.

32.以武漢市為主戰(zhàn)場的全國本土疫情傳播已基本阻斷The domestic coronavirus outbreak, centered in the city of Wuhan, has been contained in China/is now effectively under control in China.

33.堅定信心、同舟共濟、科學防治、精準施策to strengthen confidence and solidarity and take science-based and targeted measures

34.把握好防疫管控的度Moderation is required in epidemic prevention and control.

35.在斗爭一線考察識別干部to put officials to the test on the frontline

36.對緊要關(guān)頭當“逃兵”的干部要就地免職to remove from their posts officials who abandon the frontline at critical moments

37.把問題解決在萌芽之時、成災之前to eliminate risks at the source and resolving problems when they first appear

38.戰(zhàn)勝疫情to prevail over the epidemic; to beat the epidemic; to win the battle against the epidemic



39.靈活復工to apply a flexible approach to the resumption of work

40.恢復生產(chǎn)生活秩序to resume work and normal life

41.統(tǒng)籌疫情防控和經(jīng)濟社會發(fā)展to coordinate epidemic prevention and control with economic and social development

42.中國經(jīng)濟韌性強勁,內(nèi)需空間廣闊,產(chǎn)業(yè)基礎雄厚China’s economy enjoys strong resilience, broad space for domestic demand, and a solid industrial foundation.

43.形勢積極向好The situation is witnessing positive changes.

44.適時下調(diào)響應級別并實行動態(tài)調(diào)整to downgrade their emergency response level in due course and make dynamic adjustments

45.將疫情對經(jīng)濟社會發(fā)展的影響降到最低to minimize the impact of the epidemic on social and economic development

46.多種方式擴大產(chǎn)能和增加產(chǎn)量to expand capacity and increase output in a variety of ways

47.階段性、有針對性的減稅降費政策phased and targeted tax and fee breaks

48.財政貼息government interest subsidies

49.緩繳稅款deferment of taxes

50.使用存量資金to tap into unallocated funds

51.擴大地方政府專項債券發(fā)行規(guī)模to scale up the issuance of special bonds by local governments

52.預算內(nèi)投資結(jié)構(gòu)structure of investment from the government budget

53.為防疫重點地區(qū)單列信貸規(guī)模to set aside credit for key regions in epidemic prevention and control

54.提供專項信貸額度to provide special credit lines

55.減免小微企業(yè)貸款利息to cut or cancel interest rates on loans to small and micro businesses

56.就業(yè)優(yōu)先政策pro-employment policies

57.減負、穩(wěn)崗、擴就業(yè)并舉to take multi-pronged measures, including reducing corporate burdens, keeping the payroll stable, and creating more jobs

58.因地因企因人分類幫扶to provide assistance specifically designed to suit different regions, enterprises and people

59.“點對點、一站式”直達運輸服務point-to-point transport services

60.多渠道靈活就業(yè)flexible employment through multiple channels

61.線上登記失業(yè)和申領(lǐng)失業(yè)保險金online registration of unemployment and application for unemployment security insurance

62.高校學生畢業(yè)、招聘、考錄graduation and job placement of college students

63.精準對接勞務輸出地和輸入地to accurately connect both ends of labor transfer

64.扶貧龍頭企業(yè)、扶貧車間enterprises and workshops that employ local workers and play a major role in poverty alleviation

65.產(chǎn)銷對接to coordinate production and sales

66.解決好貧困地區(qū)農(nóng)畜產(chǎn)品賣難問題to help farmers in poor areas solve difficulties in selling their produce and livestock

67.建立健全防止返貧機制to establish a sound mechanism to prevent any return to poverty/prevent any relapse into poverty

68.打通人流、物流堵點to smooth travel and logistics channels

69.放開貨運物流限制 to lift cargo transport bans

70.春季農(nóng)業(yè)生產(chǎn)spring-season agricultural activities

71.春耕備耕spring farming and preparation

72.“米袋子”省長責任制和“菜籃子”市長負責制systems of holding provincial governors accountable for grain supplies and city mayors for daily food supplies

73.農(nóng)副產(chǎn)品生產(chǎn)、流通、供應production, distribution, and supply of agricultural products

74.保障全國生活必需品市場總體穩(wěn)定to maintain an overall balance in the market for daily necessities

75.保持基本民生服務不斷檔to ensure the availability of basic public services

76.用足用好合規(guī)的外貿(mào)政策工具to make full and best use of foreign trade policy tools

77.簡化通關(guān)手續(xù)to simplify procedures for customs clearance

78.推出更多外匯便利化業(yè)務to offer more services to facilitate foreign exchange transactions

79.嚴厲打擊涉疫違法犯罪to take firm action against epidemic-related crimes



80.規(guī)范和完善信息發(fā)布機制to standardize and improve the information release mechanism

81.廣泛普及疫情防控知識to disseminate information on epidemic prevention and control

82.推進疫情防控的好經(jīng)驗好做法to promote best practices in prevention and control from across the country

83.及時回應社會關(guān)切to provide timely responses to public concerns

84.疫情信息發(fā)布依法做到公開、透明、及時、準確The release of epidemic information must be open, transparent, timely and accurate as prescribed by the law.

85.激發(fā)正能量to evoke positivity

86.在全社會弘揚真善美to promote high moral standards throughout society

87.提升網(wǎng)上傳播能力to strengthen online communication

88.適應公眾獲取信息渠道的變化to meet people’s evolving ways of acquiring information



89.中國-世衛(wèi)組織聯(lián)合考察專家組China-WHO Joint Mission on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) 

90.以電話、信函、聲明等方式表示慰問和支持to express sympathy and support by telephone, letter or statement

91.向其他出現(xiàn)疫情擴散的國家和地區(qū)提供力所能及的援助to provide assistance within our capacity to other countries and regions affected by the pandemic 

92.迎難而上,勇敢應對to rise up to the challenge and respond to it bravely 

93.及時同國際社會分享信息timely sharing of information with the international community

94.避免使某個國家或特定群體蒙受污名 to avoid stigmatizing a country or particular group

95.呼吁采取緊急的、積極的行動to call for urgent and aggressive action

96.加強國家間政策協(xié)調(diào)to enhance policy coordination between countries

97.(向其他國家)提供抗疫物資to offer supplies in support of the fight against the pandemic

98.派出醫(yī)療小組協(xié)助抗疫to send medical teams to help combat the coronavirus

99.控制疫情永遠不會太晚It is never too late to get the pandemic under control

100.有效阻止疫情在全球蔓延to contain the global spread of the virus

101.采取最全面、最嚴格、最徹底的防控舉措to take the most comprehensive, rigorous and thorough measures

102.對中國人民生命安全和身體健康負責,也是在為世界公共衛(wèi)生事業(yè)作貢獻to act responsibly in protecting the safety and health of its people, and contribute to safeguarding global public health

103.凝聚起戰(zhàn)勝疫情的強大合力to form strong synergies to beat the pandemic

104.守望相助、同舟共濟to support each other/to stand closely together in difficult times

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